Preparing coffee is a seemingly simple task but achieving great taste comes with considerable effort. Explore our coffee guide to see why.

Author: admin

MyKaapie / Articles posted by admin

We all know coffee comes from berries cultivated in dedicated coffee plantations. But what most people don’t know is that the discovery of coffee was nothing short of a serendipity! If you’re wondering who the first person to chance upon these magical beans was, let explore now! It all starts in 9th century Ethiopia, where Kaldi, a goat-herder, stumbled upon his goats munching on red berries that he hadn’t seen before. However, Kaldi did notice that his goats seemed more energetic...

Chicory (Cichoriumintybus ) is a herb and root that has been known for its curative benefits since the first century a.d.. It is a member of the Asteraceae family. A scraggly plant with blue flower heads, chicory flourishes in the wild, as well as in gardens all over the world. It may be found in Europe, the Near East, northern and southern Africa, Australia, New Zealand, and North and South America. The dried leaves and roots of the chicory plant are collected in autumn for medicinal...

A freshly blended cup of coffee to kick-start your day is good for you in more ways than one. Apart from an energy boost, coffee is loaded with nutrients and antioxidants that give you with beautiful skin. Here’s will see how. Brightening boost The skin benefits of coffee are plenty. The next time you decide to splurge on brightening cosmetic products, think again. Instead, it would do you better to go for a cup of piping-hot coffee. Coffee forms a great source...